spune intotdeauna adevarul si nu va mai trebui sa tii minte nimic (Mark Twain)
Tribuna Noastra Logo
Nr. 38, aprilie - mai 2003

April 1, 2003
Mr. Basile Gliga
Tribuna Noastra
1538, Rie Sherbrooke Quest, # 324
Montreal, Qc H#G 1L5 CANADA
Dear mr. Gliga:
As a treasurer of Cook Country, I would like to congratulate you on the 5th Annyversay of your publication , "Tribuna Noastra".
In a country that pride itself on diversity, it si a pleasure to recognize members of our ethnic communities for their hard work and dedication to maintaining the cultural pluralism that makes the Cook great. As you know, it is important for our ethnic communities to celebrate our heritage as a means of preserving our rich traditions. Your publication serves as an important connection to your community, as well as an educational outlet for your readers.
I commend your commitment to the Romanian community. The dedication that goes into each and every publication is very much appreciated.
Maria Pappas
Cook Country Treasurer